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FDA black box warning


The FDA placed a black box warning on diet and exercise today, cautioning providers that both therapies are unlikely to be effective since most patients won't do either. The warning applies to any medical condition that may be treated with weight loss and conditioning, including diabetes, back pain, hypertension, and sleep apnea, to name a few. The FDA decided to apply its most extreme warning after years of research and practical experience showed that prescribing diet and exercise almost never works. more


Revolutionary study finds that more sleep is associated with feeling better the next day.

Day-to-day associations between nightly sleep and next-day well-being amid the COVID-19 pandemic in North America, Sleep Health (2021) [PubMed]

frustrated young man

GoFundMe for herpes diagnosis not going too well

About a week after a drunken sexual encounter with a girl whose name he can't remember, Jason Paddock woke up with painful ulcers all over his genitals. After a trip to the doctor, he found out he had genital herpes, a chronic condition with no cure. Instead of becoming one of the millions of herpes survivors who suffer in silence, the twenty-seven-year-old realtor decided to do something about it. "I wanted to get my story out there and let other victims know they aren't alone," he said. "I want to be an instrument of change." more

angry doctor

Doctor angry that drug manufacturers made him overprescribe opiates for 20 years

As judgments mount against drug manufacturers over the "opioid crisis," Dr. Jeff Hanson is glad somebody is finally being held accountable. "It's about time," he says bluntly. "But it should have never gone this far." Even though opiates require prescriptions from doctors who are taught in medical school and residency that they are highly addictive and potentially fatal, he feels that drug manufacturers shoulder most of the blame. "Cute drug reps, flashy handouts, and free breakfast tacos are how this all started. They might as well have written the prescriptions themselves." more

jesus christ

Lepers sue Jesus

A group of lepers sued Jesus Christ today, claiming they suffered greatly after he healed their leprosy. The lawsuit seeks class-action status and damages in the millions. An attorney for the lepers claims that the King of Kings acted recklessly and with complete disregard for standard medical procedure when he healed the lepers. "He didn't do anything right," plaintiff's attorney Michael Holloway says. more

patient needing refill

Patient needs refill on her small blue pill

Cindy Hapshaw notified her doctor on Tuesday that she needs a refill on her "small blue pill." She doesn't know the name of the medication but said, "the pill is round, or maybe kind of oval - whatever, it definitely isn't square or rectangular." After she was told her description wasn't sufficient, she offered further clarification by noting that "it's not quite as big as the white and green tablets I'm on, but certainly bigger than my pink pill." more

doctor holding journal

Medical journal apologizes for publishing randomized controlled trial in place of social commentary

The editor of The New England Journal of The Lancet issued an apology Wednesday after it accidentally published a randomized controlled trial in place of a social commentary. The admission comes after a study that compared corticosteroids to methotrexate in polymyalgia rheumatica was published instead of an opinion piece on the latest social issue. more

picture of pill

Elizabeth Holmes' new startup developing pill that cures all cancers

Investors are pouring millions into a new startup that aims to cure all cancers with a single pill. The company, called Panacea, was founded by Elizabeth Holmes, the former CEO of Theranos. Current investors include a who's who of former government officials and big corporate CEOs. Panacea is developing a single pill that can cure any cancer when taken once daily for 30 days. The pill also has no side effects, which makes it unlike any other cancer treatment. more

fitness watch

Watch that counts steps fails to make patient skinny

After years of fad diets and intermittent stints of exercise, Becky Sinclair thought she had finally found the answer to her weight loss issues when she bought a watch that counts steps. "I liked the idea of incorporating technology into my weight loss journey. All I have to do is wear the watch, and it automatically knows how many steps I've taken. It looked way easier than going to the gym, counting calories, and all that other bullshit that never works." more


Patient sure antiparasitic drug he's never heard of more effective than vaccine given to millions

Hank Montgomery isn't one to rush into things. "I do my research," he said. Hank hasn't received the COVID vaccine, and he doesn't plan to. "You won't find me in line with the other sheep when it comes to this COVID stuff." Even though he doesn't want the vaccine, Hank still has a plan if he gets COVID. more